NYQS Meeting, December 10, 2005
Date: 10 December 2005
Place: Bo's Apartment, Lower Manhattan
Summary: In October and November Bo traveled to Amsterdam, then to Hong Kong, Shanghai and Wuyi Shan, a mountain range on the border
between Fujian and Jiangxi provinces.
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NYQS Meeting, November 12, 2005
Date: 12 November 2005
Place: At a member's home.
Summary: This meeting was a somewhat informal gathering marking the return of members from various activities overseas. Rebecca Flannery
and Peter Reis were welcomed as new members.
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CHIME Conference, October 5-9
Date: 5-9 October 2005
Place: Amsterdam
Summary: This was a very large gathering of some of the world�s preeminent scholars and performers of Chinese Music, and was coincident with a
month-long festival of Chinese culture throughout old Amsterdam.
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NYQS Meeting, September 4, 2005
Date: 4 September 2005
Place: Yuan Jung-Ping's Home
Summary: The group welcomed harpist Rebecca Flannery, sister of member Matthew Flannery, and her husband Peter.
Rebecca played duets with Yuan Jung-Ping the Society's meeting on 27 April 2005 (present secretary was then in China).
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Spiral Concert at the Rubin Museum
Date: 27 March 2005
Place: The Rubin Museum
Summary: On Easter Sunday, March 27, 2005, the NYQS gave a day-long concert at the Rubin Museum. Four members played,
while hundreds of visitors came to listen for varying amounts of time.
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Harp and Qin Yaji
Date: 26 February 2005
Place: Matthew's Home
Summary: The New York Qin Society met for a most enjoyable and enlightening session on the Harp on Sunday, February 26,
comprising our second meeting for the Rooster Year 2005.
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NYQS Meeting, January 30, 2005
Date: 30 January 2005
Place: Bo's Home
Summary: Elaine Sheng, who has been an associate member, was voted full member. The meeting began with a report by Society Treasurer Chang Pei-You.
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