New York Qin Society May Meeting
Date: 18 May 2008
Place: at the home of Bo Lawergren
Summary: Our principal guest was Wu Na, a qinist from Beijing... Bo discussed the construction and design of several lyres he has reconstructed from excavated remains in Assyria and Greece.
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Public Music Concert for Celebrating Chinese Lunar New Year
Date: Sunday, February 10, 2008, at 5:00 pm.
Place: Renee Weiler Concert Hall, Greenwich House Music School,
46 Barrow Street
Summary: Concert of ancient and modern music from China and Japan. Ms. Sugawara and Mr. Lawergren have produced two YouTube videos of Ancient harp.
紐約琴社 "現代音古典樂—古琴.箜篌.書法.鋼琴 "的音樂演奏會.
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NYQS Meeting, 13 January 2008
Date: 13 January 2008
Place: at the home of Bo Lawergren.
Summary: This meeting was held primarily to determine the program for the annual meeting, scheduled for Sunday February 10 at the Greenwich House Music School. However, the timing of the meeting coincided with the issues of dues for 2008 and the election of new officers.
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